Pastors Appreciation Sunday!
We want to take this moment to thank all of you for making Pastors Appreciate Sunday special for us. Your expressions of love and appreciation were overwhelming. Thank you again for blessing us in such a special way.                                                                                                                                                       Pastor and Mrs. Fullwood
Christmas Eve Worship Service
Our Christmas Eve Worship Service will be virtual this year. We will worship on December 24th at 7:00 p m. Rev Timothy Johnson will be our guest speaker. Please join us as we worship God and celebrate the coming of His Son, Jesus Christ into the world. We will use the same Zoom link that we use for Sunday School and Bible Study. Invite a family member or friend to join us.                                                                                                                                                        Pastor Fullwood
WMG News. Donations Needed. Dear Congregation: We are asking for donations for our Annual Christmas Containers for our Sick and Shut-In. We are in need of such items as apples, oranges, cookies, hot cider mixes, hot chocolate mix, crackers. all varieties of chips, Doritos, etc. You may bring your donations and leave them on the tables in the Old Basement. Packing day is Monday Dec.16th at 11:00 a.m. if you would like to come out and help. Thank you in advance for your support.                                                                WMG Ministry
To Pastor Lucious Fullwood and our Bellevue Church Family. Thank you for the calls, cards and words of comfort given to our family during our time of loss. I am blessed to have a giving church family and prayer warriors.
Thank you and God bless, Wanda Harris and Family
Fun and Fellowship!
Health and Wellness Ministry is sponsoring a Fellowship and Fun Activities event Friday January 3, 2025 for 18 yrs and up from 630pm to 9pm. Come out to move about during the winter hiatus, for socialization, fellowship and wholesome activities. A signup sheet is located on back table. Health and Wellness Ministry.

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Carl and Ruby Lambert who celebrated 39 years of marriage on Saturday December 14th. May God continue to bless their union.

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Gail Forbes. They celebrated 28 years of marriage on December 11th. May God continue to bless their union.

Sunday School Christmas Program
“The Night Before Christmas” will be presented by the Sunday School, Church Time and Drama Ministry on Sunday Dec 22 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. “Some interesting things can happen on Christmas Eve and a very inspirational message will be received!” Your presence alone means so much to our youth. May we count on your support?
Drama Ministry Sunday School Department
v1 Sing a new song to the LORD! Let the whole earth sing to the LORD!
v2 Sing to the LORD; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Psalm 96: 1-2
To all our Bellevue family, we extend a warm welcome to each one of you as you journey to become a choir member. We are looking forward to expanding the voices and singing new songs of praise to the LORD! Please consider joining the choir. Rehearsals are on Saturday mornings from 9am – 10am in the sanctuary. We welcome all to come out and “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…”!
The Music Committee


Join our troop, calling all girls ages 5-17.  We are scouting for girls to join our team. We meet every 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Bellevue Baptist Ministry Center. Contact me for more details: Troop Leader Marlo Thomas.     

Calendar of Activities

17th Deacons Meeting (Cancelled)
 12th 19th Thursday Evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
 21st Saturday morning Men’s Bible Study (8:00 a.m. virtual)
24th Christmas Eve Worship (Virtual)
28th Feeding the Hungry Ministry 11:30 a.m.
31st New Year’s Eve Worship (Virtual
Congratulations: The following has completed the Bible reading for 2024
1. Ms. Rosemary Sheckels
2. Rev. Darryl Winn
3. Mrs. Rosa Pryor
4. Mrs. Retha Washington
5. Mrs. Deborah Fullwood
6. Pastor Lucious Fullwood
7. Mrs. Rosie Reed
8. Mr. William Reed
9. Mrs. Caldonia Smith
10. Mrs. Mozelle Shaffer
11. Mrs. Ruby Lambert
12. Mr. Carl Lambert, Sr.
13.  Mrs. Queen Brown
14. Mrs. Iunice Zone
15.  Mrs. Rosa Marie Bouier
16. Mrs. Wilma Buckley
17. Mrs. Shirley Rick
18. Mrs. Virginia Durr
19. Deacon Mearon Durr
20. Mrs. Mary Hobson
21. Mrs. Ora Mickel
22. Mrs. Doris Anglin
23. Ms. Renee Lumpkin
24. Mrs. Ruth Robinson
25. Mrs. Joyce Jones
26. Ms. Delores Townsend
27. Ms. Elizabeth Tobias
28. Mrs. Donita Rochelle
29. Mrs. Joann Harris
30. Mrs. Cari Magee
31.  Mrs. Hattie Stokes